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External Job Opportunities

PostDoc position in electron microscopy (IOM Institute, Trieste)
The research activity will be conducted in strong synergy with the co-located synchrotron Elettra facility with a focus on heterostructures based on strongly correlated materials.
Fecha de Publicación: 20 Jul 2016
Laboratory technician
Atender al diseño de nuevas geometrías de señalización, utilización de materiales inteligentes en la mejora de la eficacia y seguridad en el marcado horizontal y en la señalización vertical (reflectometría multidimensional)
Fecha de Publicación: 04 Jul 2016
Severo Ochoa Program Fellowship
Looking for a PhD candidate in the area of Functional Molecular Materials. The researcher will join the Department of NanoScience and Organic Materials (NANOMOL) at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC)
Fecha de Publicación: 20 Jun 2016
3-year PhD contract
Looking for a highly motivated student with a Master Degree in Sciences and willing to enroll in a PhD program, under the joint supervision of Dr E. Berra and Dr. F.J. Blanco at CIC bioGUNE. The contract may start immediately but the position will be open until filled.
Fecha de Publicación: 01 Jun 2016
23 PhD positions at the Institute of Chemical research of Catalonia (ICIQ)
Students interested in joining our graduate student programme are encouraged to apply for any of our fellowship opportunities. Applications must be submitted through our web page
Fecha de Publicación: 30 May 2016
Becas Eduardo Gallego 2016
La Fundación Francisco Cobos convoca 2 Becas dotadas con 24.000 Euros cada una, para apoyar la continuidad en la carrera científica de investigadores postdoctorales destacados en el campo de la Biomedicina y que sean beneficiarios en el último año de una ayuda de investigación institucional de excelencia.
Fecha de Publicación: 25 May 2016
Post-doctoral position in ORGANIC – SUGAR CHEMISTRY within project ERC-StG 'DYNAP'
The group of Dr. Javier Montenegro (link is external) is seeking for a Postdoctoral associate with strong background in ORGANIC - SUGAR CHEMISTRY. This is an excellent opportunity to join the project DYNAP, a cutting-edge research funded by the ERC-Starting Grant (link is external) at CIQUS, Santiago de Compostela, España
Fecha de Publicación: 24 Apr 2016
5 post-doctoral positions at the structural biology unit of IBMB-CSIC
The Structural Biology Unit ("María de Maeztu" Unit of Excellence, IBMB-CSIC) has five postdoctoral contracts available for a period of up to three years (start July 1st),
Fecha de Publicación: 11 Apr 2016
7 positions open for pre-doctoral training at the structural biology unit of IBMB-CSIC
The Structural Biology Unit ("María de Maeztu" Unit of Excellence, IBMB-CSIC) has seven predoctoral fellowships available for a period of up to four years (start October-December 2016),
Fecha de Publicación: 11 Apr 2016
Senior Researcher in Laser Processing
AIMEN, Pontevedra, Spain
Fecha de Publicación: 11 Apr 2016
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