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Award for Future Scientists


1. Objectives

The cicCartuja aims to recognize the projects of scientific dissemination carried out by students of the Secondary and High School who participate in the Science Fair of Seville, to promote scientific vocations, with the following specific objectives:

  1. Promote interest and skill in scientific research.
  2. To emphasize and favor talented young people, their teachers and their centers, making their achievements known and encouraging them to continue their interest and participation in the field of science and technology.
  3. Broaden the horizon of students with interest, or vocation, to scientific research, bringing them closer to the scientific, industrial, business and institutional communities.
  4. Encourage appreciation and recognition by the scientific and technological sector of Andalusia

2. Awarding of the Prize

A prize of € 500 will be awarded to the best scientific outreach project to be presented at the stands of the Science Fair of Seville 2016 by the students of the secondary and high schools, and two € 250 accesits. A check will be given for the value of the prize in the name of the educational center, for activities and / or educational material of the winning groups, according to the project coordinators.

Students will also be invited to present their projects to cicCartuja scientists and the general public during the Scientific Futures Day, held during Science Week in November 2016.

3. Selection of winning projects

The jury of the Prize for Dissemination cicCartuja will evaluate the projects of the Science Fair according to the following criteria:

a)      Originality and scientific and social relevance of the project.

b)      Quality of content.

c)      Scientific rigor.

d)      Creativity and informative capacity.

The overall rating of the projects will be calculated by averaging the scores obtained in the four previous sections, with values ​​between 1 and 10.

The jury will evaluate a priori the project delivered to the organizers of the Science Fair and, on the spot, its realization in the booth, the first day of the Fair.

4. Composition of the jury

The jury of the cicCartuja Prize for Dissemination will be composed of four prestigious scientists belonging to cicCartuja: three researchers representing each of the Institutes that are integrated cicCartuja (Institute of Plant Biochemistry and Photosynthesis, Institute of Chemical Research and Institute of Material Sciences of Seville), in addition to cicCartuja Director, or person in whom delegates, that will act like president.

To know more:

Future Scientific Award 2016 – Leguvicar: a very nutritious cooperative

Future Scientific Award 2015 – ScienceChef, science tapas

Future Scientific Award 2014 – Music and electronic configuration

Future Scientific Award 2013 – Glasses for the blind
